Request A Quote

Fill in the form below, we'll put together a personalised Travel Insurance quote and one of the team will get back to you with the details during your preferred time of day.

Step 1 - Trip Details

What type of policy would you like?

Where will you be travelling?

Will you be visiting any of the following?
  • USA
  • Canada
  • Bermuda
  • Carribean

Are you interested in any additional cover options?

When will you be travelling?

Step 2 - Traveller Details

Traveller 1 Date of Birth:

Traveller 2 Date of Birth:

Traveller 3 Date of Birth:

Traveller 4 Date of Birth:

Traveller 5 Date of Birth:

Traveller 6 Date of Birth:

Traveller 7 Date of Birth:

Traveller 8 Date of Birth:

Medical Conditions:

In the last 2 years, have any of the travellers:

  • Had any surgery, inpatient, or outpatient treatment or referrals or investigations of any sort? This includes awaiting the results of any tests or on waiting list?
  • Taken prescription medication, or received any medical treatment for ANY Medical Condition. This will not apply to common colds, flu or contraception medication.
  • Received any medical advice or treatment for any respiratory condition relating to the lungs or breathing?
  • Received any medical advice or treatment for any heart, stroke and diabetic condition?
  • Suffered from anxiety, depression or any psychological condition?

Important Statements:

You agree that anyone to be covered by this policy:

  • Are UK residents and registered with a GP (Doctor) in the UK (a UK resident is a person whose main home is in the UK, Channel islands or Isle of Man and has not spent more than 6 months abroad in the last year)
  • Have not already started a trip
  • Are travelling from and returning to the UK
  • Are not aware of any reason why you may need to claim
  • Are not travelling against medical advice
  • Are not travelling to get medical treatment or knowing that you will need treatment during a trip

Step 3 - Contact Details

GDPR Statement:

Cheadle Post Office is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. In agreeing to this statement you agree to Cheadle Post Office processing the data you have provided for the purpose of providing a Travel Insurance Quote. For more information please read our privacy policy.